The Science Behind NeurOptimal®

brain health

Empowering Natural Wisdom

Dr. Val Brown and Dr Sue Brown, pioneers in neurofeedback who developed NeurOptimal, emphasize the significance of empowering individuals by providing access to critical information for the Central Nervous System (CNS). NeurOptimal® facilitates this by offering real-time, comprehensive data that the CNS wouldn't normally access, enhancing its natural functioning.

Decades of Innovation —Simplified into an Accessible At-home Solution

Neurofeedback's journey spans over six decades, initially reserved for elite applications such as astronaut training by NASA and specialized uses in private medical facilities. In its early years, the technology was an exclusive domain due to the exorbitant costs of the equipment, often running into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

However, the landscape of neurofeedback has dramatically transformed in recent years. Technological advancements have streamlined and enhanced the effectiveness of neurofeedback equipment, significantly reducing costs. This evolution has brought this once-exclusive technology into the realm of public accessibility, opening new doors for widespread use.

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The Learning Process In Brain Training

Brain training with NeurOptimal® is rooted in understanding how the CNS learns. It involves real-time feedback, essential for learning and improving life navigation. Two fundamental CNS operations critical to neurofeedback training are:

The Orienting Response:

This reflex guides us from discomfort to comfort, aiding survival by minimizing discomfort. It's a natural mechanism ensuring our survival. 

The Relaxation Response:

This state of deep relaxation releases chemicals that slow down breathing and heart rate, promoting healthy blood flow to vital organs, including the brain.

Types of NeuroFeedback

NeurOptimal® is:

This advanced, non-invasive form of neurofeedback has no side effects. It provides real-time feedback without pre-determining what is best for the brain at any given moment. It's a holistic approach, training the CNS to become more resilient and flexible. This technology acknowledges that learning is not a linear process and uses appropriate mathematics to process cortical activity.

NeurOptimal® is not:

This traditional form is invasive and, while effective for some, can create negative side effects. It's based on diagnosis and protocols, using micro-currents or brainwave therapies in a push/pull approach.

The NeurOptimal® Experience

Our approach is non-invasive, simple yet profound. NeurOptimal® doesn't push or pull and doesn’t use micro-currents or brainwaves ; it only acts as a mirror for your CNS, providing information that wouldn’t be accessible otherwise. Your CSN uses that information to self correct. Each session is unique and your brain reorganization leads to natural, positive changes in your life without the need for medical intervention. Because NeurOptimal® is not a medical device, each session is a training for your brain and not a treatment.

Why Training Your Brain Matters?

Commonly, we understand the need for physical training and regular maintenance of our vehicles. However, the brain, our body's command center, often gets overlooked. Factors like stress, trauma, pollution, and illness can impair its optimal functioning. While nutrition, physical activities, and social interactions are beneficial, they might not be sufficient for rejuvenating our brain cells. A more intense workout may be required to get results.  Brain training, akin to physical training, can significantly enhance our quality of life.

NeurOptimal ® harnesses the brain’s neuroplasticity – or ability to change and reorganize itself – to promotes overall mental, emotional and physical health.

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Karma or Dharma

Three Acronyms That Can Clarify The Core of Neurofeedback Training

"In this field we have a lot of theories – and we seem to continue to reinvent a number of wheels. Coming from a largely Western basis, and with a belief in a particular application of the scientific method, it seems that many can easily forget the depths of prior, well established approaches to understanding and promoting the process of personal transformation. However, this is changing and increasingly modern science has come face to face with its own reflection in several ancient mirrors – most notably Buddhist practice.

Karma and Dharma are two fundamental concepts in Buddhist practice. The first refers to the repetitive patterns of cause and effect that re-create habitual cycles of suffering, while the second refers to the precise view and practice that leads to the realization of releasing such suffering. In the Buddhist view we remain in the choice point of Karma (i.e. repeating our past suffering) or Dharma (i.e stepping off of the wheel that recreates our suffering). It is that “OR” that remains critical for we always have a choice: Karma or Dharma. But we can make these ideas a little more approachable by seeing them as acronyms. Karma: Kontinued Affective Re-triggering Maintains Attachment. Dharma: Disrupting Habitual Affective Re-triggering Maintains Aliveness. And the “OR”? It refers to the two fundamental operations of the CNS that are most critical to successful neurofeedback training: viz, the Orienting Response and the Relaxation Response.

We can choose to either repeat our past – and recreate the attachments we have to our own history and experience of suffering – OR we can choose to release that process of attaching by disrupting it, as it begins to reappear, and thereby return to the aliveness of the present. We do this in neurofeedback by providing audiovisual events that disrupt that process of Affective Re-triggering, invoking the Orienting Response (to directly perceive the relative safety of the present) and thereby invoking the Relaxation Response – when the CSN recognizes and experiences the safety of the training environment..’’

Written by Dr Val Brown.


Research articles about NeurOptimal

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the benefit of using NeurOptimal®?

How can a single system cater to such a diverse range of needs? It boils down to the principle of brain enhancement. Most issues we encounter are indicators that our brain isn't operating at its maximum efficiency. Training with NeurOptimal® can address this. Whether you're aiming for improvements physically, emotionally, or mentally, remember, you possess just one brain that influences every aspect of your being. Even if you have a specific reason for using NeurOptimal®, you might notice positive shifts in various facets of your life. It's a holistic approach!

Many who've used NeurOptimal® have shared transformative experiences. Top athletes have noted enhancements in both their physical prowess and mental endurance. Those plagued by sleep issues have found better rest. War veterans have found it beneficial in navigating the complexities of reintegrating post-combat. Individuals who felt mentally fogged, due to injuries or life events, have reported a renewed sense of clarity, sometimes beyond what they or their families thought possible. It's also been a boon for children facing challenges in communication, social interactions, and concentration in academic settings. Stress-related issues often diminish when the brain is conditioned for peak performance.

Repeatedly, we've observed that irrespective of your current situation, NeurOptimal® can potentially elevate your life quality through its unique Dynamical Neurofeedback® system. Here are some potential applications:

Answer: NeurOptimal® is designed to help you operate at your peak potential, whatever that might be. It's favored by top-tier professionals, from athletes to artists to business leaders, who aim to maintain their competitive advantage. Moreover, it's also chosen by those who believe they aren't performing at their full capacity, including numerous adults and children with significant challenges, seeking a non-pharmaceutical method to enhance their well-being.

  • Enhancing overall well-being
  • Alleviating stress
  • Assisting veterans in transitioning back to civilian life
  • Boosting academic and professional performance
  • Athletic training
  • Brain function enhancement for smarter thinking
  • Group sessions in retreat environments
  • Individual and group spiritual and personal growth
  • Test preparation: Sharpened focus and memoryMinimized test-related stress
  • Anti-aging strategies
  • Boosting creativity and mindfulness
  • Strengthening relationships in personal and professional spheres
Who created NeurOptimal®?

NeurOptimal® is the brainchild of clinical psychologists Drs. Valdeane and Susan Brown, the visionaries behind the Zengar Institute Inc. They pioneered the unique Dynamical Neurofeedback® algorithm, which is exclusive to NeurOptimal®.

While neurofeedback has been around for a while, it hasn't always been a popular method. Initially, the technology was costly and primarily used to monitor seizure activities rather than therapeutic purposes. However, the traditional linear neurofeedback underwent a transformation thanks to the innovative efforts of Dr. Val and Dr. Sue Brown. Their dedication culminated in the latest iteration of their software in 2018. With the introduction of NeurOptimal®, neurofeedback transitioned into a non-invasive, safe, and affordable brain training method, free from pain and side effects, offering individuals a transformative experience.

This advanced brain training offers a beacon of hope for those who haven't found solutions in conventional medicine. Skeptics should consider the rapid advancements in technology over the past two decades. Neuroscience has seen significant breakthroughs, and the creators of NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® have been at the forefront of these innovations, elevating neurofeedback to unprecedented heights.

Thanks to the comprehensive knowledge embedded in NeurOptimal®, professionals like me can guide you in training your brain using this advanced software in a secure setting. For more insights, visit
How does NeurOptimal® function?

NeurOptimal® operates by detecting and tracking shifts in the brain's cortical patterns. It reflects the operations of your central nervous system (CNS) by mirroring potentially disruptive brain activities. Think of NeurOptimal® as presenting a reflection of your brain's activities. It's akin to seeing your reflection after a long absence; naturally, you'd adjust your posture, fix your hair, and make other tweaks. This reflection gives you the feedback needed to make those adjustments, and the same principle applies to the brain.

The brain possesses a remarkable capacity to recalibrate itself when provided with the right feedback. NeurOptimal® offers this precise feedback, enabling the brain to self-adjust. Sudden changes or inconsistencies in the brain's electrical activity can hinder its optimal performance. NeurOptimal® identifies these sudden shifts and signals the brain about them through subtle interruptions in the audio you're hearing. These slight pauses prompt the CNS to deviate from its suboptimal trajectory. This corrective process repeats until the brain's self-regulation becomes its default state, leading to enhanced efficiency and comfort in its operations. The result? Improved sleep, reduced stress, enhanced focus, and an overall sense of well-being, even in the face of external challenges.

NeurOptimal®'s approach is distinct, fostering increased adaptability and resilience in the brain. A more capable brain translates to an enriched life experience.

How is NeurOptimal able to interact with my brain?

Your brain, the hub of your central nervous system, operates as an intricate command center. It's in charge of regulating every other system within your body, encompassing physical, emotional, and mental aspects. It continuously receives and interprets data from your body and external surroundings, allowing you to process, retain information, and generate suitable reactions, often without you even realizing it. This incredible functionality is powered by an extensive and remarkable neural network known as the central nervous system. The human brain is believed to contain between 15 and 33 billion neurons, with each neuron forming up to 100,000 synaptic connections. This complexity surpasses that of the entire internet, all housed within your cranium! Neurons within this vast network communicate using electrical impulses. These impulses can be initiated within single neurons but also dynamically arise from neuron groups. These larger assemblies pulsate at distinct frequencies, similar to a strobe light, and engage in intricate inter-group patterns. This broader interaction is mirrored in the electrical variations detected on the scalp.

During NeurOptimal® training, your brain receives data about its entire spectrum of frequency activities captured in its electrical signals. What's more, NeurOptimal® presents this information to your brain in a remarkably straightforward manner, covering all ongoing activities, allowing your brain to handle the rest. Astonishingly, the brain instinctively knows what's required and reorganizes itself with precision. We've observed this to be the case regardless of symptom severity. Every brain possesses this intrinsic intelligence. With the "reflective" aid provided by NeurOptimal®, your brain can "realign" and restructure itself.

How many sessions are typically required?

Given the uniqueness of each individual's central nervous system, predicting the exact response of your brain to NeurOptimal® can be challenging. However, with over three million hours of experience using NeurOptimal®, we can offer some general insights. The advantage is that you won't be left wondering if it's effective – you'll notice the benefits relatively quickly. We also provide tools to help you monitor your progress. Just as learning to read varies from person to person, so does the brain training process.

So, how many sessions are typically needed to achieve your desired results? It largely depends on your objectives. If your aim is to experience rapid improvements, you might find 10-12 sessions sufficient. However, if you're aiming for more enduring changes, a range of 20-30 sessions might be more appropriate. The flexibility of NeurOptimal® allows you to pause and resume your sessions as needed. Any training you've undergone in the past remains beneficial, ensuring no session goes to waste. For some, brain training is akin to physical exercise – they aim to maintain peak performance throughout life, especially when faced with life's inevitable challenges. After an initial training phase, they might opt for monthly sessions to allow their brain a regular "tune-up." Others might choose sessions as and when they feel the need. Ultimately, the decision rests with you, as it's your brain undergoing the training, and it intuitively knows what's best for it.

Are the improvements permanent?

Think of NeurOptimal® as akin to acquiring a new skill, such as cycling or reading. Once you've mastered it, it's hard to forget, ensuring the benefits persist. However, it's essential to remember that the brain is a dynamic organ. It can be affected by various factors like life challenges, hormonal fluctuations, environmental pollutants, and daily stressors. If you feel off-balance due to these factors, a session or two can help realign your brain to its optimal state.Even after a long hiatus, the brain recalls the NeurOptimal® experience. This familiarity means that if you ever need a refresher, the brain can recalibrate faster than during the initial sessions. So, if you've undergone a comprehensive initial training (around 20-30 sessions) and later face significant life events such as health issues, job loss, personal losses, or even physical traumas, your brain can efficiently utilize NeurOptimal® to regain its balance. It's comforting to know that NeurOptimal® is always there as a reliable resource, like a trusty tool you can always rely on.

So, how many sessions are typically needed to achieve your desired results? It largely depends on your objectives. If your aim is to experience rapid improvements, you might find 10-12 sessions sufficient. However, if you're aiming for more enduring changes, a range of 20-30 sessions might be more appropriate. The flexibility of NeurOptimal® allows you to pause and resume your sessions as needed. Any training you've undergone in the past remains beneficial, ensuring no session goes to waste. For some, brain training is akin to physical exercise – they aim to maintain peak performance throughout life, especially when faced with life's inevitable challenges. After an initial training phase, they might opt for monthly sessions to allow their brain a regular "tune-up." Others might choose sessions as and when they feel the need. Ultimately, the decision rests with you, as it's your brain undergoing the training, and it intuitively knows what's best for it.

Still have questions?

Reach out and we'll do our best to help.